colee hammock park

Family of 4 Photo Session | Colee Hammock Park Photography

When its my first time meeting (& photographing) a family, I always do my best to explain my creative process a bit in the beginning.  It starts simple... "just be yourself", "engage with each other", "pretend I'm not here"... but after this past Sunday, I think Melissa & Josh might tell you it sounds much easier than it actually is.  I'm sure when they arrived at Colee Hammock Park Photo Sessions in Fort Lauderdale for family photos, they were probably not expecting to get a full workout complete with running, lifting, throwing, etc.  But good news... I don't charge extra for the unexpected calorie burn! ;)  I had such a blast with these girls, covering every inch of the waterfront park... pulling those natural smiles out from behind those shy, hiding faces I first met.  It was great to meet you all - I hope you enjoy the photos... full gallery coming soon!

Surprise Proposal | Colee Hammock Park Photographer

It hadn't been a super nice Labor Day weekend - rain was coming & going all day.  By the time Michele & Greter arrived for their session at Colee Hammock Park in Fort Lauderdale, my weather app told me it was going to start raining in 23 minutes.  I suddenly realized that we needed to take full advantage of the late afternoon light & FAST... there was a lot to do.  While Greter thought the surprise was the impromptu photo session, Michele had me involved in something much bigger.  Hidden inside my camera bag was a beautiful diamond ring & I know Michele would not have lasted another day if rain tried to delay her plans.  Our timeline sped up quickly but before any rain fell, under a beautiful shade tree along Tarpon River, Michele got down on one knee.  Greter was completely shocked but glowed with excitement, wiping away happy tears, while I couldn't help but keep snapping.  Congratulations, ladies!!  It was so awesome to be a part of this day in your story... I can't wait for our follow up engagement session![tg_grid_gallery gallery_id="9162" layout="wide" columns="4"]